Workshop 24.1.2023: Coping skills and emotional support in ecocrisis

We are currently living in the midst of an environmental emergency and other compounding crises. Looking the other way won’t make them disappear.
How can you cope if you feel anxious about the current global situation? How can emotional skills and empathy help?
Join others to find peer support and coping skills in this demanding situation on Tuesday 24th Jan 2023 at 16:00 pm. The project ”Environment and future in mind” arranges a workshop open to all who look for emotional support and sharing of thoughts and ideas.
In the workshop we will provide up-to-date information on emotions related to environmental anxiety and teach you techniques to boost your mental health. The instructor is Hanna from Nyyti ry and the topic is of personal significance to her. The workshop is arranged in cooperation with Helsinki University. Find the Zoom-link here and join the discussion! (Duration 1 hour)